Speaking in public, presenting at seminars or making a contribution at a business meeting are examples of the situations in which we can all benefit from a little speech making magic. The good news is that oratory, the ancient art of speaking well can be learned. thePerfectSpeech.com is dedicated to enabling everyone to realize their potential as a writer, presenter and orator.

The Perfect Speech training course is based on many years of debating, presenting and selling experience. The day long event draws on examples of the great speeches of history, research work into how best to package and communication your message and the use of the great speaking "devices". These devices are the oratorical constructions used since ancient times to ensure that an audience can hear, understand and respond enthusiastically to the speaker.

Edward Hoare has worked for the last 35 years at Pall Corporation. He brings together a wide variety of business and non-business related skills that include selling, marketing, clowning, chemical engineering, debating, speech writing and delivery as well as an enthusiasm for the subject of delivering perfect speeches!